We need to talk about J.K.

Harry Potter was my first foray into the world of fantasy literature and I still remember the emotions that rang through me as I read them for the first time. Though I was always a reader, reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone at the age of 12, was a religious experience. I, like many... Continue Reading →

Light at the end of the tunnel

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, Fading...flickering...teasing... Arms outstretched, as far as they go. Body leaning forward, uncomfortably so. Contorted in sweaty browed conviction, My soul aching for the sweet relief of clarity. Onwards...onwards... And yet there it remains, just out of reach. It bekons me forward, forward It needn't, I have... Continue Reading →

Daisy Jones and the Six

A famous rock band from the 70's recount their days in the spotlight. Remembering and reminiscing about how they got it right and where it all went wrong. Daisy Jones has been making its rounds on book tube and book blogs all over, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Perhaps it was the extremely... Continue Reading →

February TBR

Having given myself a goal of reading at least 100 books this year, I better get a move on. For the month of February I chose a combination of YA, contemporary and non-fiction books. Some of these I have heard great things about and others have just been gathering dust on my shelf a little... Continue Reading →

2018 Favourites

2018 was the year I rediscovered my love of books. Between classes and assignments, I had forgotten how wonderful a feeling it was to lose yourself in the pages of a good book. And so over the last few months of 2018, in a feverish frenzy, I read a very eclectic collection of 45 books.... Continue Reading →

Book Haul – Kerala Literature Festival 2019

The fourth edition of the Kerala Literature Festival was quite the affair. Speakers ranged from authors, politicians, journalists and more. The discussions were more politically charged than merely literary, a truly welcome theme. Not only did this enable important discussions and debate but helped to enhance the role of literature and the written word on... Continue Reading →

The Night Circus

Erin Morgenstern’s ‘The Night Circus’ reads like a dream. And by that I mean that the writing has such a beautiful, dreamlike quality that much of the time you spend reading it is in a reverie. The story is fresh, the characters eclectic and the writing flows like a steady stream. Most of the negative... Continue Reading →

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